
Further resources on hospice care, palliative care, grief, and end-of-life care can be found on these websites:

A resource for both patients and caregivers to make informed decisions about all aspects of navigating a serious illness.

The Conversation Project is a free resource to help people share their wishes for care. It has guides and workbooks to help you decide what your care wishes are, how to ensure they are honored, and how to talk to your healthcare provider, friends, and family about your wishes.

This free resource does a great job explaining what palliative care is, how it’s different from hospice care, and how you might benefit from it.

Whether you are grieving, or supporting someone who is, Whats Your Grief provides free educational resources, informative blog articles, and ways to connect with others.

Recently Shared Resources

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It’s Falls Prevention Awareness Week

If you have an aging parent, grandparent, or neighbor in your life, helping them reduce their risk of falling is essential to quality of life. Assessing and reducing their fall risk is a great way to help them stay healthy and independent for as long as possible. Among older adults, falls are the leading cause…

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World Lung Cancer Day, Aug. 1

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Grief & Bereavement in the Age of COVID-19

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To Preserve & Share a Song

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Remembrance Tree Ceremony 2022

QUICK FACTS:  What: The 2022 Remembrance Tree Ceremony  When: Sunday, Dec. 4, 2:00 PM EST  Where: Virtually and Live via the Hospice Care Plus Facebook Page  Why? Whether your loss was recent or not, the holidays are a time when those we’ve lost are especially missed.  Who? All are welcome to participate, regardless of whether…